Grilling Safety
6/22/2016 (Permalink)
July is just around the corner and happens to be the peak month for grilling fires, followed by May, June & August. Three out of five households own a gas grill, which translates to an increased risk of home fires. Nearly 9,000 home fires are started by grilling accidents each year.
The leading factor (19%) contributing to grill-related accidents is failure to clean the grill. The second leading factor (17%) is having a flammable item too close to the grill. So be sure to clean your grill properly before use and make sure that all flammable items are out of the way.
Placement of your grill is important, grills should be placed well away from home/deck railings and out from under eaves and branches. Also check for leaks or breaks in your gas lines before each use.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) offers several additional grilling safety tips at
Please take the proper steps to avoid any grilling accidents this summer.